About Me
I am a PhD Student at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary. My research interests include model-driven engineering, graph transformation, and autonomous vehicle testing. I am a member of the Critical Systems Research Group at the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Systems Engineering.
My PhD advisor is Dr. Oszkár Semeráth.
- 2022 - present: Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Computer science PhD, advised by Dr. Oszkár Semeráth
- 2020 - 2022: Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Computer Engineering MSc thesis
- 2016 - 2020: Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Computer Engineering BSc thesis
- 2022 - present: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary, Teaching Assistant
Delivering practical lectures, correcting and assembling exams, managing homework IT infrastructure.
- 2022 - 2022: IncQuery Labs, Budapest, Hungary, Junior Software Engineer
- 2021 - 2022: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary, Assistant Research Fellow
Involved in research, projects and education at the Critical Systems Research Group.
- 2020 - present: Refinery
Efficient graph solver for generating well-formed models.
Selected Publications
- ICSE’24 Refinery: Graph Solver as a Service
With K. Marussy, T. Kapus, O. Semeráth, D. Varró paper
- CSCS’22 Semantic Robustness Testing for Vision-Based Machine Learning Components of Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems
- CSCS’22 Toolchain for the Construction of Realistic Simulated Urban Environments
With B. Pintér paper
- MINISY’22 An Initial Performance Analysis of Graph Predicate Evaluation over Partial Models
With O. Semeráth paper
Full list of publications / Google Scholar